Welcome to our community of pediatric hematology/oncology professionals
Founded in 1981, the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (ASPHO) currently has 2,000 members. ASPHO offers a forum for the exchange of ideas on issues of special interests and concern to people in the specialty, as well as a means for facilitating communication among members. ASPHO is the only professional organization dedicated solely to the professional development and interest of subspecialists in pediatric hematology/oncology.
Watch this video to learn more about ASPHO.
The Society works to actively advance programs and initiatives in professional education, scientific and clinical research, training, and practice issues. ASPHO represents pediatric hematologists/oncologists through active liaisons with numerous professional societies and alliances. Both ASPHO's conference and its journal, Pediatric Blood & Cancer, provide forums for presenting research to colleagues and peers. ASPHO welcomes members' involvement in volunteer activities such as standing committees, task forces, special interest groups, and contributions through member publications and other activities. You have the opportunity to make a difference in the profession through your personal involvement as an ASPHO member.
Society Mission, Vision, and Values
The Society's mission is to support and empower the pediatric hematology and oncology medical and scientific community. ASPHO's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan also formalized an organizational vision, of 'improved health and a better future for children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer and blood disorders' based on foundational values of collaboration, compassion, diversity and inclusion, health equity, and innovation.
ASPHO Statements
ASPHO is dedicated to supporting the pediatric hematology/oncology medical and scientific community’s ability, and agency, to provide optimal, evidence-based care to patients. The following statements reflect this commitment and ASPHO’s core values of compassion, collaboration, diversity and inclusion, health equity, and innovation.
Statement on SCOTUS Dobbs vs Jackson Women's Health Organization, 2022.
Statement condemning racism and supporting healthcare equity, 2020.
Diversity & Inclusion
ASPHO’s diversity statement affirms the Society’s values and welcoming of diverse and inclusive participation within the profession of pediatric hematology/oncology. Learn more about the Society's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts.
2023 Annual Report
ASPHO's Board of Trustees consists of a president, vice-president/president-elect, immediate past president, secretary/treasurer, and six trustees at large. Learn more about your board members and how to get involved in leadership activities.
ASPHO's Historical Highlights
1974 The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (ASPHO) is initiated. The first gatherings of those in the emerging subspecialty take place at the "Blood Club," held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the American Society of Pediatrics and the Society for Pediatric Research.
1977 Carl Pochedly proposes a Society for pediatric hematologists/oncologists during a Blood Club meeting. Bill Krivit persuades those in attendance to look ahead and anticipate the need for a Society committed to the welfare of pediatric hematologists/oncologists and the patients and families whom they serve.
1979 The American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology is first published.
1982 The first gathering of Society members occurs after the Blood Club's symposium.
1987 Carl Pochedly conceives of the idea for a freestanding meeting of ASPHO.
1988 The first freestanding ASPHO meeting is held in Chicago.
1989 The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (ASPHO) is incorporated in Illinois.
1995 The American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology is renamed the Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology to reflect the increasingly international nature of contributors and subscribers.
2002 ASPHO membership surpasses 1,000 members.
The first Review Course is held.
2004Pediatric Blood & Cancer debuts as the new journal for ASPHO and the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP).
2005 ASPHO conducts its first compensation survey.
2006 The Online Review Course launches.
2007 ASPHO convenes the Sickle Cell Disease Summit Meeting: From Clinical and Research Disparity to Action.
2008 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program directors officially affiliate with ASPHO as the ASPHO Training Committee.
2012 ASPHO conducts its first workforce survey.
Special interest Groups are established.
2013 The International Membership category is established.
Membership exceeds 1,900 at year end.
The Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium meeting affilates with the ASPHO Annual Meeting.
ASPHO leaders visited Capitol Hill, advocating for oversight of drug shortages and federal spending decisions affecting support for children with cancer and blood disorders.
2014 ASPHO Essentials Latin American program launched.
2015 ASPHO publishes Compensation Survey Report on the pediatric hematology/oncology physician career path.
Enriching the Future Campaign launch.
2016 Membership surpasses 2,000 at year end
Launch of co-sponsored St. Baldrick’s Foundation Robert J. Arceci Innovation Award
Contracted staff to direct advocacy efforts while continuing partnership and coalitions
2017 Published 2 workforce publications in Pediatric Blood & Cancer
First year with sustained membership above 2,000
2018 New Strategic Plan is launched
Enriching the Future Campaign closes.
2019 Conference attendance exceeds 1,200.
Co-developed pediatric hematology focused Choosing Wisely® list with the American Society of Hematology (ASH).
2021 Awarded commendation as a provider of continuing medical education (CME) for physicians by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®)
2022 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is launched