- Details
- Written by Emma Stevens
- Category: Conference
- Published: 20 March 2020
- Hits: 4600
Frequently Asked Questions
Will be updated as needed.
ASPHO is compiling helpful resources for pediatric hematologists/oncologists relevant to COVID-19. Learn more.
Why is the 2020 ASPHO Conference cancelled?
After closely monitoring updates and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and Texas health agencies, and considering the health and well-being of our members, speakers, partners and patients, the ASPHO Board of Trustees has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 ASPHO Conference.
Are all additional events associated with the 2020 ASPHO Conference cancelled as well?
All additional events including receptions, exhibit hall, pre-conference sessions, committee meetings, and Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings are also cancelled. If you were meeting with another organization onsite, including but not limited to PTCTC (formerly PBMTC) or AAP SOHO, please reach out to them directly with questions.
Will the conference be rescheduled or postponed?
No, the 2020 ASPHO Conference is being cancelled. The annual Business Meeting will be held by webinar during the dates of the canceled conference – the exact time and date will be determined and communicated in the coming weeks.
Will attendees and exhibitors receive a full refund?
Per ASPHO’s Cancellation Policy, registrants will receive full refunds of their conference registration fees within the next 60-90 days and we’ll let you know if we need any additional information. Please be patient as we process refunds for attendees, exhibitors, vendors and other partners.
Exhibitors and sponsors will have two options: receive a full refund or apply their fee towards the 2021 ASPHO Conference scheduled for April 21-24 in Portland, OR.
Will attendees and exhibitors be refunded for hotel and airline expenses?
Per ASPHO’s Cancellation Policy, no refunds can be made for lodging, airfare, or any other expenses related to attending the conference. We suggest you contact your hotel to cancel your reservation and your airline to request a refund. If they are unwilling to grant a full refund, they may be willing to reschedule you for another flight in the future.
Note: If you booked a hotel room at the Omni Fort Worth and Sheraton Fort Worth hotels and were part of the ASPHO room block, they have automatically canceled your room reservation. We encourage you to still call to be sure you aren't accidentally charged.
If I wanted to support ASPHO with a donation or transfer my registration fee to a donation, is that possible?
ASPHO is a 501(c)(3) organization and does accept charitable contributions. If you would like to donate your registration fee or a portion thereof, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 31, 2020. You will be sent a donation acknowledgement letter for your records.
When and where is the next ASPHO Conference?
The 2021 ASPHO Conference will be held April 21-24 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.
Will ASPHO present any sessions virtually?
The Conference Planning and Education Committees will be exploring opportunities to deliver some content originally meant to be presented at the 2020 Conference. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.
When will the 2021 Call for Workshops and Call for Papers and Posters be available?
The Conference Planning and Education Committees will be exploring many options for the 2021 ASPHO Conference, and more details will be shared in the coming weeks.
I was selected to present an abstract in paper or poster format. Is it possible to present my work in an alternative format?
All accepted abstracts will be published in Pediatric Blood and Cancer and are listed on the ASPHO website.
The Conference Planning and Education Committees will be exploring opportunities to deliver some content originally meant to be presented at the 2020 Conference. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.
I was scheduled to present a session, paper or poster at the 2020 ASPHO Conference. Does the cancellation of the meeting mean I can no longer list my presentation on my resume or CV?
In discussion with several leaders in the academic community, it is their opinion it is acceptable to include your presentation or poster on your CV and note the conference was cancelled. You are also advised to inquire with your own division/department leadership if you are up for promotion soon.
Sample listing: Presentation/poster title, indicate accepted (alternatively invited if asked to present), scheduled to be delivered on ___ (date) yet not delivered due to reason (conference cancellation/travel restriction reason)
- Details
- Written by Meghan McLaughlin
- Category: Conference
- Published: 22 May 2017
- Hits: 3260
Call for Workshops - Closed
2018 ASPHO Annual Meeting
May 2-5, 2018
Pittsburgh, PA
General Information Regarding Workshops
The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology will hold its 2018 Annual Meeting, May 2-5, 2018 in Pittsburgh, PA. The ASPHO Annual Meeting Committee invites the submission of proposals for workshops to be presented during the meeting in Pittsburgh.
The Annual Meeting Committee requests that proposals be interactive, problem-solving discussions, debates, cases, etc, and geared towards the educational needs of a specific audience. Topics can focus on particular diseases, clinical trial updates, disease registries, or professional development. Your proposal will be scored based on both content and planned audience engagement. Moderators should seek participants from a varied group of faculty (e.g., multiple institutions).
All workshops will have one person assigned from the Annual Meeting Committee to provide oversight to insure interactivity, review presentation slides two weeks prior to the meeting, verify that the presenters provide a balance between clinical and biology during the session, and verify that no more than two people from one institution will be represented.
Each session is limited to a moderator and up to 3 additional speakers (3 members, 1 nonmember). Member speakers will receive $250 honorarium for their participation in the workshop. Nonmembers who are pediatric hematologist/oncologists will receive $250 honorarium for their participation in the workshop. Nonmembers who are NOT pediatric hematologist/oncologists will receive: $250 honorarium, one round trip coach airfare, one night at the meeting hotel, and meeting registration. Any requests differing from this policy will need to have written documentation supporting the need and must be approved by the Board of Trustees
Submissions will need to include a clearly articulated rationale for the session, which describes the need and intended outcome. As part of your description you will be asked to answer these questions:
- What is the gap or problem that exists and how will it be addressed?
- Why is there a gap or problem? What is causing it to occur?
- What will learners be able to do with this information?
You will also be asked to provide one source of data which speaks to the need for this topic (this can be needs assessment data, statistics regarding the topic, etc.).
Important Dates
The submittal system will remain open from May 30 to July 25, 2017. The system will close at 11:59 am Pacific Time on the deadline date and additional submissions will not be accepted.
Applicants will be notified in September of 2017 regarding selection of their workshop.
Faculty Disclosure Requirements
The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology requires full faculty disclosure and a speaker agreement from all faculty. Completed disclosure forms and speaker agreement must be received by August 8, 2017, to be reviewed and discussed for potential and real conflicts of interest by the Education Committee. Please note that the submission system will close on July 25, but the forms will remain accessible to faculty until August 8, 2017. Faculty members failing or refusing to complete the forms will be prohibited from participating in the meeting. The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology requires that all contributions to a CME activity are based on the best available evidence (refer to Policy on Content Validation).
All proposed speakers named on this proposal will receive an e-mail notice which instructs each of them, individually, to visit the proposal before the August 8, 2017 submission deadline to complete their disclosure form and speaker agreement. This notice will be sent to all speakers as soon as the submission forms are complete and the "Submit this Proposal now for review" button has been selected. Additionally, moderators should contact the speakers named on the proposal to notify them of their inclusion in the submission and to remind them to complete their disclosure information and speaker agreement before the August 8 deadline.
Proposals for Workshops
Workshops are scheduled to take place Wednesday, May 2 - Saturday, May 5, 2018. All faculty must be willing and able to present on these dates. Workshop sessions are 90 minutes in length.
For each submission, you will be asked for:
- Presentation title
- Presentation description (75 words for publication in the conference brochure)
- Learning objectives (2-3 statements defining the expected outcomes)
- Information source
- Agree to work with a member of the Annual Meeting Committee for oversight of your workshop. You and your speakers will be expected to submit your presentation slides to this committee member two weeks prior to the meeting
- Presentation outlines (a minimum of half the time should be interaction with cases, debates, etc.)
- Provide details on how you plan to make your workshop interactive
- Proposed Young Investigator to be involved in the planning and implementation of this workshop (including title, institution and contact information)
- Moderator and presenter contact information (include: name, credentials, employer, address, phone, fax, email, and if different from above, presentation title)
- If more than one speaker is from the same institution, please justify why you feel this is necessary
For questions regarding the ASPHO meeting or your proposal, please contact ASPHO Member Services by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 847/375-4716.
- Details
- Written by Andrew Nieman
- Category: Conference
- Published: 14 October 2014
- Hits: 298
ASPHO Test Page.
Here is some text.
Here is some more text.
- Details
- Written by Meghan McLaughlin
- Category: Conference
- Published: 11 May 2017
- Hits: 25659
ASPHO Conference Archive
2024 Conference
2024 Conference
April 3-6, 2024
ASPHO Conference Abstract Issue, Pediatric Blood & Cancer
2023 Conference
2023 Conference
May 10-13, 2023
ASPHO Conference Abstract Issue, Pediatric Blood & Cancer
2022 Conference
2022 Conference
May 4-7, 2022
ASPHO Conference Abstract Issue, Pediatric Blood & Cancer
2021 Conference (Virtual)
2021 Conference
April 20-23, 2021
ASPHO Conference Abstract Issue, Pediatric Blood & Cancer
- Details
- Written by Rachel Bennett
- Category: Conference
- Published: 22 July 2014
- Hits: 227536
The ASPHO Conference: Advancing knowledge, discovery, and collaboration
The premier pediatric hematology/oncology meeting, the ASPHO Conference brings together 1,300 professionals from around the world each year to gain critical subspecialty education, network with colleagues, and discover innovations advancing the field.
Attendees receive superior educational programming from internationally known experts in the field of pediatric hematology/oncology - 92% of conference evaluation respondents noted they will be able to directly apply conference education to their professional practice and job function. The educational programming includes a dynamic variety of symposia, workshops, plenary sessions, and poster sessions.
Whether you are a practitioner, fellow, faculty member, hospitalist, resident, medical student, physician assistant, or any other advanced practice provider in the pediatric hematology/oncology field, the ASPHO Conference is where you need to be!
“I’ve been coming to ASPHO for 10 years because it allows me to catch up on all the latest and greatest scientific breakthroughs and the more I learn the more I make my patients lives better.” - Conference Attendee
Conference Dates
2025 ASPHO Conference
May 7-10
Kentucky International Convention Center
Louisville, KY
2025 Call for Workshops
April 22 - July 25, 2024
2025 Call for Abstracts
Late October - December 19, 2024
2025 Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts
January 2 - January 30, 2025
2026 ASPHO Conference
April 29-May 2
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN
2027 ASPHO Conference
May 11-14
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, Québec, CA