Vascular Anomalies Special Interest Group
The Vascular Anomalies Special Interest Group's (SIG) mission is to improve the care of children and young adults with vascular anomalies through multicenter collaborative research.
- Current continued education to ASPHO membership in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with vascular anomalies
- Multicenter collaboration to establish standards of practice for patients with vascular anomalies
- Development of collaborative research projects such as hypotheses-generating initiatives (e.g., registries, retrospective analyses), treatment protocols, and prospective observational and interventional studies
- Utilizing our experience developing consortia for rare disease research to create registries to collect natural history and outcomes data, design standards of practice and treatment protocols, and collaborate with scientists to develop biomarkers, animal models, and improved understanding of biology that will hopefully emerge into the development of prospective clinical trials.
Adrienne Hammill, MD PhD, Past Chair
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Taizo Nakano, MD, Chair
Children's Hospital Colorado
Shelley Crary, MD MS, Vice Chair
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Communication Tool
A discussion group in the ASPHO member community has been designated for members of the SIG to share information, documents, links and files. Members can join the SIG from their My Account Special Interest Groups account page. Current SIG members can access the community directly to participate.